
Scan Gauge Scans & Exporting .STL’s

Step 1: Patient Information

Start by logging into the Allied Star’s Scan Pro Software and once logged in, input the Patient details in the following pop-up dialog box.

Step 2: Left to Right Scan Gauge Scan

Navigate to the Scan tab and proceed to the Upper arch window. Perform left to right scan gauge scan in one continuous sweep.

Step 3: Right to Left Scan Gauge Scan

Next, switch to the lower arch window and perform right to left scan gauge scan in one continuous sweep.

Step 4: Scan Optimization

Once both arches are scanned, click on the “Refine”  tab to initiate the optimization process for both scans.

Step 5: Finish Scanning

To complete and save the 3D Model, click the finish tab and save the file to the local directory.

Step 6: Save and Export Files

Manually export the scans as STL/PLY files to the desired location and upload them to the Nexus Portal.