Performing Scan Gauge Scans
Learn how to perform Scan Gauge Scans and export with your IOS
3Shape TRIOS
Sirona (CEREC Primescan)
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3Shape TRIOS
Scan Gauge Scans & Exporting .STL’s
Scan Gauge Scans & Exporting .STL’s
Sirona (CEREC Primescan)
Scan Gauge Scans & Exporting .STL’s
Scan Gauge Scans & Exporting .STL’s
Scan Gauge Scans & Exporting .STL’s
Step 1: Patient Information
Start by logging into the Allied Star’s Scan Pro Software and once logged in, input the Patient details in the following pop-up dialog box.
Step 2: Left to Right Scan Gauge Scan
Navigate to the Scan tab and proceed to the Upper arch window. Perform left to right scan gauge scan in one continuous sweep.
Step 3: Right to Left Scan Gauge Scan
Next, switch to the lower arch window and perform right to left scan gauge scan in one continuous sweep.
Step 4: Scan Optimization
Once both arches are scanned, click on the “Refine” tab to initiate the optimization process for both scans.
Step 5: Finish Scanning
To complete and save the 3D Model, click the finish tab and save the file to the local directory.
Step 6: Save and Export Files
Manually export the scans as STL/PLY files to the desired location and upload them to the Nexus Portal.
Shining 3D
Scan Gauge Scans & Exporting .STL’s
Step 1: Start New Case
Start by logging into the Shining 3D Software and head over to the "new order" tab to begin a new scanning session.
Step 2: Patient Information
Fill in the necessary order information, including the patient's name, restoration type, and select “Orthodontics” dentistry type.
Step 3: Left to Right Scan Gauge Scan
Navigate to the Scan Tab and first select the upper arch window. Performing left to right Scan Gauge Scan in one continuous sweep.
Step 4: Right to Left Scan Gauge Scan
Next, switch to the Lower arch window and perform right to left Scan Gauge Scan in one continuous sweep.
Step 5: Scan Optimization
Once both arches are scanned, click on the "tick" icon located at the bottom of the screen to initiate the optimization process for both scans.
Step 6: Finish & Save
After optimization, proceed by clicking the "go to send" button to save and export the scanned data.
Step 7: Export Files
To complete and export the scans, click “export”.
Step 8: Save and Upload to the Nexus Portal
Input local directory in the following export pop-up box and save the files as PLY/STL format. And, manually upload the files to the Nexus Portal.