Scan Gauge Scans & Exporting .STL’s

Step 1: Start New Case

Log into Dexis’s IS Scanflow Software; Once logged in, input the patient details in the patient information display.  Proceed to click “Scan” to begin the scanning process.

Step 2: Left to Right Scan Gauge Scan

Navigate to the AI Matching feature and enable the toggle. Ensure the Upper Arch window is selected, and proceed to scan left-to-right for the upper gauge scan.

Step 3: Save

Once the scan is completed, click "Save" in the menu to save the scan.

Step 4: Right to Left Scan Gauge Scan

Switch to the lower Arch window and perform the right-to-left scan for the lower gauge scan. After completing, click "Save" to store the data.

Step 5: Scan Optimization

Once both arches are scanned, click on the "Check" icon located at the top of the screen to start the optimization process for both scans.

Step 6: Refine Analysis

Proceed by clicking the "go to send" button to save and export the scanned data.

Step 7: Export Files

After Check & Refine, click the "Export" button to begin exporting the scanned data.

Step 8: Save and Upload to the Nexus Portal

In the export tab, select the desired local directory to save the respective files in STL format. Once the files are saved, manually export the scans in the Nexus Portal..