Battle of Concepts:

Analog vs Digital Workflow for Immediate Full-Arch Fixed Implant Rehabilitation

12-13 July 2024 | Credit Hours - 14 available

Who For?

General dental professionals with an interest to learn about the latest clinical protocols and technologies for immediate full-arch fixed implant rehabilitation.


The 2-day course titled 'Battle of Concepts: Analog vs Digital Workflow for “Same Day Full-Arch Fixed Implant Rehabilitation' focuses on equipping clinicians with the skills to provide immediate screw retained fixed restorations for edentulous patients.

The course explores the transition from analog to digital protocols and emphasizes the importance of accelerated treatment techniques for patients with busy lifestyles.

The event is organised by Tufts University, and sponsored by Osteon Medical.


2-Day course - Discounted price $2240 AUD

Use the code (CESYDNEY20) when registering

Register Now


Friday 12 & Saturday 13

July 2024


Osteon Medical HQ

Melbourne, Australia



Specialist Prosthodontist and Principal dentist at Care Implants. Head of postgrad dentistry at the Australian college of Dental practitioners.

Associate Professor of Postgraduate Prosthodontics at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and a visiting Associate Professor of Prosthodontics at the University of Rochester.

Adjunct Faculty department of Postgraduate Prosthodontics, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine.